100 Birds – Week 9

Tufted Titmouse (TUTI)

Tufted Titmouse Adult

Being so small with such a pointy head, and the black spot above the beak are good ways to identify them!

Red-breasted Nuthatch (RBNU)

Red-breasted Nuthatch AdultTheir name is deceptive, because they are not truly red breasted. It’s more of a rust.

Brown Creeper (BRCR)

Brown Creeper Adult

The loong bill and speckly back are unique!

House Wren (HOWR)

House Wren Adult/immature (Brown-throated)

They have a very unique song!

Wood Thrush (WOTH)

Wood Thrush

Also a unqiue song – its very high and soaring!

Northern Mockingbird (NOMO)

Northern Mockingbird Adult

I’ve never seen one, but I’m confident I’ve heard one! Theyre rather plain looking with a remarkable voice!

Cedar Waxwing (CEWA)

Cedar Waxwing Adult

Unique because of the red waxy tips to their wings! Also because therye so smooth looking.

Yellow Warbler (YEWA)

Yellow Warbler Adult male (Northern)

SO yellow!

All photos and fun facts from allaboutbirds.org

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