100 Birds – Week 8

Harlequin Duck (HADU)

Harlequin Duck Breeding male

All of the colors and blocks make this guy look like a Picasso!

Surf Scoter (SUSC)

Surf Scoter Adult male

The shape/coloring of hisĀ  bill is very unique!

Black Scoter (BLSC)

Black Scoter Adult male

I have definitely seen this one in the field. The brightly colored bill makes him easily identifiable

Common Merganser (COME)

Common Merganser Male

This one is identifiable by the bill shape and contrast between green head and orange bill

Ring-necked Pheasant (RNPH)

Ring-necked Pheasant Male

Between shape and color, this guy cant be missed! He sort of reminds me of the chicken from the Pixar movie Moana

Northern Gannet (NOGA)

Northern Gannet Adult

They are identifiable by being almost all white, with some yellowish coloring, including a light colored bill

Great Cormorant (GRCO)

Great Cormorant Breeding adult

They are identifiable by their fluffy head, feather shape, and long neck!

Great Blue Heron (GBHE)

Great Blue Heron Adult (Blue form)

I’ve seen this bird in the field – his little head comb and unique shape/size give it away!

Piping Plover (PIPL)

Piping Plover Breeding adult

I’ve yet to see one in person, but I can’t wait! There’s a pixar short about them – “Piper”!

Killdeer (KILL)

Killdeer Adult

Identifiable by the two black breast bands and black stripe across its head

Razorbill (RAZO)

Razorbill Breeding

Very distinctly black and white! The bill is very unique

Black Guillmot (BLGU)

Black Guillemot - Christoph Moning

The contrast between their body, wings, and bright red legs is unique!

Atlantic Puffin (ATPU)

Atlantic Puffin Breeding

A super classic bird – you can tell what it is by the beak!

Chimney Swift (CHSW)

Chimney Swift

These are easily found around the mills in Biddeford/Saco. I’ve only identified them by their body shape and habit of flying in groups around chimneys

Ruby-Throated Hummingbird (RTHU)

Ruby-throated Hummingbird Adult male

Someone I know prepped one last semester – SO absurdly tiny!!! I see them in my grandmother’s garden often.

Belted Kingfisher (BEKI)

Belted Kingfisher Male

Get a load of that funky hair!

Eastern Kingbird (EAKI)

Eastern Kingbird

ID by white tipped, squared tail

Common Raven (CORA)

Common Raven Adult

Another shiny black bird!

Tree Swallow (TRSW)

Tree Swallow Adult male

These are ALL OVER campus! I prepped one last year- theyre very soft.

Barn Swallow (BASW)

Barn Swallow Adult (American)

Such a fun mix of earth tones and blues!

All photos and fun facts from allaboutbirds.org

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