100 Birds – Week 5

Downy woodpecker (DOWO)

Downy Woodpecker Male (Eastern)

The only woodpecker I’ve seen in the field! They were a common sight at my favourite park growing up

Northern Flicker (NOFL)

Northern Flicker Male (Yellow-shafted)

Wow- these guys are striking! I’ve never seen one up close, but reading the description of a flash of yellow I feel like I may have seen them in passing.

Pileated Woodpecker (PIWO)

Pileated Woodpecker Female

I absolutely thought this bird was made up for cartoons until embarrassingly recently. I look forward to seeing one in the field!

Blue jay (BLJA)

Blue Jay Adult

Gorgeous birds – another of my feeder favourites!

Eastern bluebird (EABL)

Eastern Bluebird Adult male

I’ve never seen one but I hope to – theyre so cute and round!

Gray catbird (GRCA)

Gray Catbird Adult

Yellow-rumped warbler (YRWA)

Yellow-rumped Warbler Adult male (Audubon's)Apparently they can digest the wax found in some berries, giving them the ability to go farther north than other birds

White-throated Sparrow (WTSP)

White-throated Sparrow Adult

Their little yellow dot and body shape are very distinct

House Sparrow (HOSP)

House Sparrow Female

There is a huge group of these that live somewhere in/on my building. Much more fun than being awoken to the gulls on campus 🙂

All photos and fun facts from allaboutbirds.org

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