100 Birds – Week 4

Mourning Dove (MODO)

Mourning Dove Adult

I love seeing these guys in the wild, but I feel like they always turn out very ugly as museum specimens

White-breasted Nuthatch (WBNU)

White-breasted Nuthatch Adult

I had never seen one of these until coming to Maine, but their black stripe is very eye catching!

Northern Cardinal (NOCA)

Northern Cardinal Male

These are my mom’s favourites! I remember growing up she’s always rush to get me if they were at the feeder.

House Finch (HOFI)

House Finch Adult male

In my hometown I swear these guys live in every single florescent shop sign

American goldfinch (AMGO)

American Goldfinch Breeding male

I prepped one of these last year, and I am immensely proud of how he turned out!

All photos and fun facts from allaboutbirds.org

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