100 Birds – Week 10!!!

Common Yellowthroat (COYE)

Common Yellowthroat Adult male

I’ve never seen one, but according to TheCornellLab theyre easy to lure into the open. I’ll have to try it sometime!

Chipping Sparrow (CHSP)

Chipping Sparrow Breeding adult

This guy’s rusty cap is very distinct!

White-crowned Sparrow (WCSP)

White-crowned Sparrow Adult

I love the stripey head!

Dark-eyed Junco (DEJU)

Dark-eyed Junco Adult male (Slate-colored)

This is another one I’ve seen prepped several times but never in the wild. I’ll have to keep an eye out!

Dickcissel (DICK)

Dickcissel Breeding male

He can be identified through his chest markings

Red-winged Blackbird (RWBL)

Red-winged Blackbird Breeding male (Red-winged)

The red on black is very distinct!

Common Grackle (COGR)

Common Grackle Adult male

All I can think is how gorgeous he must be if you could see like a bird!

Brown-headed Cowbird (BHCO)

Brown-headed Cowbird Adult male

We saw these at the banding lab with Patrick! 🙂

Purple Finch (PUFI)

Purple Finch Adult male (Eastern)

I’ve NEVER seen a bird this color, and now I’m really hoping to come across a purple finch!

Pine Siskin (PISI)

Pine Siskin Adult (Northern)

I’ve yet to see one in person, but they travel in flocks, so I suppose you cant miss them!

Leachs storm petrel


Another one I had the chance to prep last semester. He was actually banded (and under a year old at time of death 🙁 ) which was a super interesting scientific experience!

Ruffed grouse

Ruffed Grouse Displaying male

My home state bird! I’ve never seen one in the wild but I definitely have a soft spot for them 🙂 I prepped one last semester and it came out SO gorgeous!

All photos and fun facts from allaboutbirds.org

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