100 Birds: Week 1

Great Egret (GREG)

Great Egret Adult

We saw this bird on our trip to the Scarborough Marsh! It was a little difficult to see behavior, as I was only able to see them taking off and landing, but their lankiness is truly impressive!

Snowy Egret (SNEG)

Snowy Egret Breeding adultAlso seen on our trip to the Marsh, we were able to identify it by its yellow feet

Black-crowned Night-Heron (BCNH)

Black-crowned Night-Heron Adult (American)

I have not seen this bird in the field, but according to allaboutbirds.org they leave the nest two weeks before theyre even able to fly :O

Black-bellied Plover (BBPL)

Black-bellied Plover Breeding male

We saw this bird on our trip to Willard Beach- theyre so much smaller than I was expecting!

Semipalmated Plover (SEPL)

Semipalmated Plover Nonbreeding adult

Also seen at Willard Beach, we were able to identify them by the white ring around their neck

Greater Yellowlegs (GRYE)

Greater Yellowlegs Breeding adult

Lesser Yellowlegs (LEYE)

Lesser Yellowlegs Breeding adult

Sanderling (SALI)

Sanderling Nonbreeding adult

We also saw him at Willard Beach – his black legs and beak were very distinctive!

Semipalmated Sandpiper (SESA)

Semipalmated Sandpiper Breeding adult

After seeing these guys on our trip, I feel I notice them almost every time I’m at the beach!

Least Sandpiper (LESA)

Least Sandpiper Breeding adult

They are the worlds smallest shore bird, weighing only an ounce!

All photos and fun facts found on allaboutbirds.org



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